KahaanFinometrics understands that our relationship is strongly built on trust and faith. In the course of using the information on this website or availing of the services, KahaanFinometrics may become privy to the personal information of its customer including information that is of confidential nature. KahaanFinometrics is strictly committed to protecting the privacy of its Customer and has taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the customer information and its transmission through World Wide Web. However, it shall not be liable in any manner for disclosure of the confidential information in accordance with this Privacy Commitment or in terms of the agreement if any with the Customer or by reasons beyond its control. We may however be required to disclose your personal information to Government, Judicial bodies, and our Regulators or to any person to whom the Firm is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Firm or any of its branches if required. Hyperlink Policy for user Any hyperlink to other Internet sites is at the customer’s own risk. The contents of which and the accuracy of opinions expressed are not verified, monitored, or endorsed by KahaanFinometrics, in any way or manner. KahaanFinometrics is not responsible for the setup of any hyperlink from a third-party website to KahaanFinometrics.
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